When we’re in the midst of the dog days of summer, it’s hard to focus on winterizing your yard. But it’s a job you should go ahead and plan out now so you are ready to proceed when the time comes.
Autumn is the time to winterize your yard and landscaping, typically from late October to mid-November. In order to be effective, you should winterize before freezing weather. Once the ground is frozen, you need to wait for spring.
Applying fertilizer will prepare your yard for a long winter’s nap. A high-quality spreader will ensure even coverage. The roots of your lawn will absorb the nutrients from the fertilizer and store them through the winter. Fertilizer used to winterize your lawn should have a lower nitrogen content and higher potassium content than what you would use during the summer. These nutrients will help jumpstart your lawn when it begins growing in the spring.
In addition to fertilizing your yard, you will want to keep it mowed to about 1.5 inches during fall and winter. The shorter height will allow moisture to escape. This is important because it allows moisture to escape. Excessive moisture can cause a number of common lawn diseases. You also need to keep leaves raked out of your yard to prevent mold from developing during a wet winter.
While preparing your lawn is an important part of winterization, autumn is also the time for pruning and trimming many trees and shrubs.
When pruning or trimming, remember to proceed gently. Over-pruning can cause lasting damage. Electrical or gas-powered clippers can make the job much faster, but avoid being too aggressive. It is important to remove crossed branches to open space at the heart of the plant. Too much shearing can remove flower buds that are poised to bloom in the spring. Some plants require specialized pruning. A little homework will ensure that your work is beneficial to the plant.
Once you have trimmed your shrubs and trees, it’s time for a new layer of mulch. A good wheelbarrow will let you easily maneuver the mulch exactly where you need it. Mulch will help insulate your plants during winter and help keep weeds down during the following spring and summer.
If you have an irrigation system, winterization is critical in order to avoid costly repairs. When temperatures drop below freezing, any water left in the lines of an irrigation system can freeze and expand, rupturing the lines. Pressurized air can be used to blow out the water in your irrigation system, eliminating the potential hazard of frozen water lines.
A little time winterizing your yard this fall will have a major impact on your home’s curb appeal next spring. With the right tools, the entire process is much faster. Count on Action Rentals for all the tools you need. For more information, please call (423) 246-5181 or 1-800-8RENTAL or see our web site at http://www.actionrentalkpt.com.